The Ultimate Trick or Treat Bag 

The Ultimate Trick or Treat Bag 

A bag of goodies fit for the gods… and U of T students. 

Shimon Augustine, Contributor

As a chill sets across the land, there’s one question that keeps us all up at night: “Will this be the year that I bring in the perfect Halloween haul?” While a flawless trick or treat is an experience sought after by all, there always seems to be a proverbial toothbrush thrown into every trick or treat bag that makes one wonder about the cruel machinations of this world. But for a moment let’s try constructing our own dream goodie bag so that we may enjoy it, at least, in spirit. 

Since I don’t want to turn this article into a candy tier list, I’ll just say that anything that has more than the daily recommended sugar intake probably belongs in our bag (although I will say Maynards are the best, don’t @ me.) A truly underrated item that belongs in every trick or treat bag is a juice box. It’s a life saver to have a sugary drink halfway through the Halloween hustle. 

For a truly sensational goodie bag, a balance of sweet and savoury is a necessity. Mini chips packets or salted popcorn can go a long way in creating a more balanced spread, and before you ask, no, pretzels are not allowed in the bag. Finally, to top it all off, some spooky temporary tattoos that might wash off the next day but are sure to leave memories that last a lifetime. 

Photo Credit: Empower Mississippi