Notice of SMCSU Referendum

Notice of SMCSU Referendum

Image Credit: Vaishu Koduri

Say yes to the referenda!

Vaishu Koduri & Yusuf Durmus, Vice President and President of SMCSU

Editors Note: The Referenda has been delayed to Feb 22 through Feb 24

Many of you may have seen the flyers posted around SMC this week with a boldened title reading “Notice of Referenda”. we are delighted to share with you that SMCSU is officially conducting a referendum regarding our fees. We understand that student fees are a sensitive topic, so we are hoping to consult the opinion of our students before we make any decisions about our levy. We think the best way to explain our intentions behind the referendum and to advocate for our position on the referendum, is to answer some questions we anticipate will come up!

For some context: full time SMC undergrads currently pay $15.35/semester to SMCSU so we can carry out our programming, typically we only increase this fee by the CPI (a measure of how much inflation affects consumers) each year. Another important note is that student fees at SMC are the lowest of all of the federated colleges. VUSAC (Vic) charges $14.35/semester, but that doesn’t include the separate levies they have for other organizations that run them another $15.53/semester. SMCSU supports similar groups (clubs) within our existing levy. Trinity College’s student society levy runs them about around $40/semester. 

Regarding Referenda Q1: Why should SMCSU Councilors get an honorarium?

SMCSU has been a pillar of student life and hosts important events such as formal, spiritual/cultural programming, academic programming, pub nights, and much more. SMCSU also maintains office resources and advocates for student needs to administration. SMCSU councilors dedicate a minimum of 6 hours per week to work related to the union, with some councilors committing up to 8, and executive councilors (President and VP) at 12-14 hours. Considering the significant time and effort that goes into SMCSU there is a considerable financial barrier to becoming a councilor.

Regarding Referenda Q1: How is giving the councilors an honorarium helpful for students?

There is a considerable financial barrier to becoming a councilor. Students who need to work to pay tuition and bills might avoid running for student leadership due to the voluntary nature of the work and this can make the positions inaccessible. As such, in line with the honorariums at other colleges with student councils, we believe councilors should be compensated. The monetary honorarium also allows for increased accountability on the councilors in terms of their constitutional duties and conduct.

Regarding Referenda Q2: How does increasing the levy help me as a student?

With more funding we can more consistently have snacks and beverages in the union office, more ink and paper available for our free printing services, more skates (in more sizes), and more of a budget to be able to offer to SMCSU recognized clubs (including the Troubadours, Pair-a-Dice, Pride SMC and more)

Regarding Referenda Q2: Why does SMCSU need to increase its funding now?

This year, we have seen an unprecedented rise in engagement with student services. This includes over 30 club recognition applications, increased printing and postering, as well as dozens of skate rentals and lots more use of our rink. With this increased engagement, SMCSU’s current levy of $15.35/semester is unable to fund our growth and support these services. 

In conclusion, we believe that these funds would go a long way in supporting future student leaders at SMC, clubs, and student services, and we hope to convince you to vote YES on the upcoming referenda.