
written by students, for students

The Mike is the official bi-weekly undergraduate student newspaper at the University of St. Michael’s College (USMC) in the University of Toronto (U of T), and has been since 1947.

The Mike has complete editorial autonomy from USMC. All editorial inquiries should be directed to [email protected].

The Mike is a proud member of the Canadian University Press (CUP).

The Mike publishes in print and is available online. The print version of The Mike is delivered to newsstands across U of T’s St. George Campus, with a circulation of 1200 copies, bi-weekly, during the regular academic year. It is published by The Mike Publications Inc. and printed by WebNews Printing on recycled paper.

The Mike occasionally welcomes unsolicited submissions. All submissions are copy edited and may be revised for taste, brevity, and legality. Submissions may also be rejected under the discretion of The Mike’s editorial board.

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