Construction on Gardiner Speeds Ahead

Construction on Gardiner Speeds Ahead

While Eglinton Line Continues to Stall, Construction Makes Huge Progress

Matthew Cancelliere, Contributor

Back in July, the City of Toronto and Province of Ontario jointly announced that they would move up their timeline for the completion of construction on the Gardiner Expressway by a full year—moving its end date from April 2027 to April 2026. According to the city, the project seeks to repair decades of damage from “age, heavy daily usage, weather and salt” in order to keep the highway “operational”. The announcement follows an additional $73 million in funding from the Provincial Government to expedite the restoration of the nearly 60-year-old highway. 

The announcement has been welcome news for drivers, as it promises to reduce traffic on Toronto’s southernmost highway, which has surged by 250% during morning rush hour due to the construction. Early in November, the Provincial Government announced that the second phase of construction would begin four months ahead of schedule. In a comment to CityNews, provincial Transportation Minister Prabmeet Sarkaria claimed the new timeline will “fight gridlock and keep drivers moving”. He highlighted the Provincial Government’s plan to “[speed] up construction of priority highway projects like Highway 413, Bradford Bypass and the Garden City Skyway bridge”. The province also estimated the new timeline will save Ontario’s economy $273 million by reducing transportation times for drivers and goods. 

Meanwhile, the TTC’s newest train line, Line 5 in Eglinton, continues to face delays. The new light rail transit line was originally due to begin operations in 2020, but its timeline has been pushed back several times. Metrolinx has refused to provide a definitive opening date, with recent estimates suggesting some time in 2025. 

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Unfortunately for the city’s commuters, rail lines are significantly more expensive to build than roadways. Construction costs for the Eglinton Line are already more than $1 billion over their initial budget. Additionally, funding is stretched thin as the TTC works on several major transit expansion projects simultaneously: the Yonge North Subway Extension, the Ontario Line, the Finch West LRT, and the Eglinton Crosstown Line, among others. 

Public transit funding in the city is a joint effort by the federal, provincial, and municipal governments, whereas highway projects in Ontario are primarily funded provincially. The announcement of additional funding for the Gardiner project coincides with news that Queen’s Park will introduce legislation limiting the number of bike lanes in the province. The proposed legislation would require provincial approval for any new bike lane that reduces the number of vehicle lanes, as well as remove existing bike lanes on Yonge Street, Bloor Street, and University Avenue 

Local transit activists and members of parliament have criticized Premier Doug Ford’s prioritization of car-based infrastructure. Critics argue that expanding the road network is likely to attract more drivers and increase traffic over time. 

Given the Provincial Government’s current policy focus, Torontonians will have to remain patient for new public transit projects. Fixing the crumbling Gardiner is essential for public safety, but only time will tell whether the investment to expedite construction will truly benefit the local economy or alleviate gridlock. 

Photo Credit: Adalberto Roque