Destressing In A Time Of Distress

Destressing In A Time Of Distress

Staying Sane During the Finals Season

Shimon Augustine, Staff Writer

To CR or NCR — that is the question. It seems that finals season has rolled around all too soon, and with it comes an unhealthy helping of stress. Luckily for you, I have just the right blend of fun, mindfulness, and relaxation that can help keep your mind and body healthy during these trying times. 

It’s never a bad idea to get some sun, especially with winter looming right around the corner. So, instead of staying cloistered in the nearest library all day, try going out and touching some grass before it gets buried in the snow. A little sunshine will brighten your day and help fight those seasonal blues. 

I would also like to remind you that doomscrolling on Instagram is NOT a substitute for taking the time out of your day to call/meet with the people you love. Being stuck with books, your laptop and professor’s voice all day is a recipe for disaster; so, maybe a little human conversation isn’t such a bad idea. 

If you’re in the mood for silence, the John W. Graham Library is a great place to lock in with its vaulted ceilings and beautiful aesthetics. On a more serious note, if you do feel like the stress is too much to bear, just know that marks on a page don’t define who you are, that’s a story that you have the agency to author. 

Photo Credit: Aiden Fung