Spots At St. Mike’s as Songs 

Spots At St. Mike’s as Songs 

Illustration Credit: Aiden Fung

Is there a better way to embrace that SMC spirit than through song?

Rosie McDonald 

Ah, St. Michael’s College. Widely considered one of the most beautiful parts of the University of Toronto’s St. George Campus. From the quad to the historic houses, walking around St. Mike’s makes you want to pretend you’re in some gorgeously shot movie. Thus, I have been inspired to curate a short playlist that highlights some of St. Michael’s College’s most popular spots so you can have a soundtrack to your life at SMC. 

  1. The Canada Room – I Say a Little Prayer by Aretha Franklin 

Favourite line: “The moment I wake up, before I put on my makeup, I say a little prayer for you.” 

I have gotten food poisoning from the Canada Room, or the Croom (a more suitable name) not once, not twice, but three times. So, as a part of my morning routine, I would wake up and say a little prayer that breakfast was eggs and not mysterious yellow omelette liquid. 

  1. The basketball court – Get’cha Head In The Game from the High School Musical Soundtrack 

Favourite line: “Let’s make sure that we get the rebound cause when we get it then the crowd will go wild.” 

I swear that those of you who use the basketball court outside of Elmsley Hall think you’re in the NBA. Sometimes you even do gather a crowd of people wanting in on the action. It’s very intense, and I support it. Truly, I do. But I can’t help but play this song in my head when I walk by and see you guys putting your blood, sweat, and tears on a paved court with one rickety netless basketball hoop. 

  1. The COOP – Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO 

Favourite line: “Party rock is in the house tonight. Everybody just have a good time.” 

I love going to the COOP planning on studying and walking into a ping pong tournament/Just Dance party/SMCSU meeting instead. Very unpredictable and very exciting. Always a party in there. 

  1. The bridge – It’s Oh So Quiet by Björk 

Favourite line: “You’re all alone and so peaceful until… you ring the bell! Bim, bam!” 

I’m sure those of you living on campus love getting woken up at six o’clock in the morning to whatever chaos is erupting on the bridge between Brennan and Elmsley Hall. I know it always helped me get to my 9am lectures on time. 

  1. Elmsley Hall – Roses by Outkast 

Favourite line: “I know you like to think your shit don’t stink but lean a little bit closer because the roses really smell like poo.” 

If you know, you know. If you don’t, you will. Enjoy showering and grooming in a public restroom. Just beware of the ominous SMC Shitter.  

I hope you find this playlist somewhat accurately highlights the beauty of SMC life. Start romanticizing!