St. Mike’s Clubs Highlight

Ready to get involved? Take a first look at some of SMC’s great clubs

Lucia Chen, VP Student Organizations SMCSU

There are many chances to get to know the student community at the University of St. 

Michael’s College (USMC). From various clubs, student groups, and course unions, St. Mike’s has it all! Check out some of the many opportunities to become more integrated into the St. 

Mike’s community, meet peers from all backgrounds and disciples, and gain new experiences. 

Pride SMC: Price SMC is allied with the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and focuses on diversity, inclusion, and representation. Not only do they build a community for students to feel welcomed, but they are also involved in advocacy and community service. They host various events from a Drag Brunch to Queer Cafe, and more. You can follow them @pridesmc on Instagram. 

St. Michael’s Troubadours: 

The SMC Troubadours or Troubs are a student-run drama society that strives to foster a community that creates space for students to showcase and develop their artistic capabilities. Every season, there are many plays, musicals, and other theatre pieces. To find out how to join follow them @smc_troubadours on Instagram. 


Pair-a-Dice is a board game club with weekly meetings to create a comfortable environment for people to drop in, play games, and make friends. They have a collection of over 50 board games. They have hosted themed events and collaborative events like Game of Pride and Family Games Night. To find out when they are playing follow @pairadicebgc on Instagram. 

St. Mike’s Wellness Council: 

The St. Mike’s Wellness Council is a student initiative dedicated to enhancing health and wellness at SMC to foster a campus culture that emphasizes mental and physical well-being. They host many events including Family Games Night, Bracelet Making, and Make-Your-Own Smoothie. To find out more follow @usmcwellness on Instagram. 

SMC Windrose: 

The SMC Windrose is the yearbook club at St. Mike’s. They work behind the scenes to produce the yearbook, transforming students’ experiences throughout the year into a book filled with memories. Each year, they have a yearbook launch party, where students can buy and pick up their yearbook and explore it with friends. They post updates on The Mike website ( and on @lifeatstmikes on Instagram. 


SAGA is the SMC branch of the PEARS (Prevention, Empowerment, Advocacy and Support for Survivors) Project, which provides support and resources to survivors of sexual violence across U of T. They are committed to building community among survivors, supporting all students, and dismantling rape culture. They host various events from tabling, Planned Parenthood workshops, and Care Package building events. To learn more check out @saga.pears on Instagram. 

Italian Student Association:  

The Italian Student Association (ISA) is committed to preserving and promoting Italian culture and language at UofT. They have a wide array of events aimed at providing community members with an authentic Italian experiences. To find out about their events follow @isa.uoft on Instagram. 

Arab Student Association: 

The Arab Student Association (ASA) is dedicated to promoting Arab culture, heritage, and identity to provide a home away from home for Arab students and anyone interested in exploring the rich traditions, languages, and histories of the Arab world. To learn more follow @asa.utsg on Instagram. 

Celtic Studies Course Union: 

The Celtic Studies Course Union (CSCU) serves to represent the interests of students enrolled in the Celtic Studies program, however, all their events are open to everyone They run many different events annually including the Masquerade Ball with MSUS and BMSSA. Other events include Game Nights, Trivia Nights, Movie Nights, dance lessons, and baking lessons. Follow @celticstudiesuoft on Instagram to learn more. 

Book and Media Studies Student Association: 

The Book and Media Studies Student Association (BMSSA) represents students in the BMS program and students who have taken classes from the program. They have held academic and professional development events and advocated for new courses and advancements to the problems, as well as social opportunities to connect students. Some examples include Career Events, Boards and Boba, Masquerade Ball, and Painting Nights. Follow @bmssa_uoft to learn more. 

Medieval Studies Undergraduate Society: 

Medieval Studies Undergraduate Society (MSUS) is a group for those interested in medieval studies or taking any medieval courses. They hosted many clubs including Pub Night, Christmas Tea and Raffle, Movie Night and Masquerade Ball. Follow @medievaltoronto to learn more. 

New Clubs: 

After the summer club recognition application period, many new clubs applied for recognition from the University of St. Michael’s Student Union (SMCSU) so be on the look-out for any new clubs that may interest you. All SMC students also have the chance to create a new club, along with requesting recognition and funding from SMCSU. To find out more follow @usmcsu! 

Other Student Groups: 

Moreover, there are many other opportunities involving the student groups. This includes the St. Michael’s Student Union, St. Mike’s Residence Council, Commuter Coordinators, Orientation, Mentorship, Campus Ministry, and The Mike. These groups have somewhat of a different system in terms of how students can get involved, which can include a hiring process or elections. However, that should not stop you! Many of the student leaders involved in these groups host office hours, which will be posted once the academic year begins. This is a great opportunity to visit the offices at St. Mike’s, get to know the members of the community better, and learn how to get involved. The @lifeatstmikes page on Instagram is a great resource to learn more about what’s happening on campus! 

This article only highlights some of the many clubs at St. Mikes, and to discover them all, stop by the Clubs Fair in September. There will be even more clubs from not only St. Mike’s but also U of T. The university is huge and scary, but it becomes a lot less frightening when you are not alone. So do not hesitate to explore these opportunities now to build your community!