A Morning in the Life of a Morning Person

A Morning in the Life of a Morning Person

Photo Credit: Karen Maktabi

A step-by-step tour of my everyday routine 

Karen Maktabi, Associate Lifestyle Editor 

Honestly, I’m not sure I’d refer to myself as a morning person per se. However, with busy weeks of classes, late-night procrastinated assignments, and pre-lecture prep, I find it crucial to plan out a well-organized morning routine, which sets you up for a productive day on a positive note. As a busy undergrad student, it can be easy to slip into unhealthy habits and messy sleep schedules, so having a consistent morning schedule can be a great way to keep yourself on track while still attending to your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Accordingly, here is a breakdown of my typical and realistic morning in the life of a busy U of T student: 

On a day when my lectures begin slightly later (1–2 pm), I tend to wake up around 8:45 am and remain in bed for a few minutes as I check my phone for new notifications (texts, emails, social media platforms). Once I’ve successfully dragged myself out of bed, I begin making coffee while video calling my family back home. Usually, at this point, I would pull up whatever readings I had to prepare for my upcoming class and go through my notes while I drank my coffee.   

Then, at around 9:15 am, I get ready to work out. I enjoy at-home YouTube workout routines. They’re short and focused training, so I repeat the same exercise 3–4 times to get a few sets in. On other days when I have more time, I’d exercise at my building’s gym or attend gym classes at U of T’s Hart House Fitness Center or the Athletic Center later in the day. 

After my workout, by 10:15 am, I shower and prepare breakfast. I often find myself hungry after physical activity, so I like protein-based meals, especially this early in the day, as it provides me the energy I need until lunch. I also like to eat while watching whatever show I’m into. Currently, I’ve been binging Love is Blind: Season 6.   

If I plan on walking to class, I’ll plan to leave at least 25 minutes before (that’s not counting U of T Time). So if my class begins at 1:00PM, I will leave around 12:30. I start getting ready an hour before: I like taking my time! I’ve been judged before for taking so much time preparing, but I find it therapeutic to take things slowly. I’ll usually have my favourite music playing in the background, too, so I fall into a happy mood before classes. I feel most efficient when I feel good both inside and outside.   

After getting dressed, I’ll quickly pack up my bag with my notebook, pencil case, and laptop. I grab my keys and head out. I also might decide on taking the subway or streetcar if the weather isn’t very walk-friendly that day. If all goes according to plan, I will get to class with 10 minutes to spare to settle in and socialize with friends before the lecture begins.   

That about sums up what my regular weekday morning routine looks like. Hopefully it’s relatable! It’s not always perfect, and I’m not always on track, and that’s okay. My body sometimes needs the extra rest, and I don’t necessarily feel like working out daily, and that’s completely fine. I cannot stress how important it is to listen to your body’s needs and give it the rest it deserves, so it can continue to provide you with the efficiency you need to succeed.