Events at St. Mikes for February-March

Events at St. Mikes for February-March

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Check out these new events coming to the SMC community in February and March

Emily Allison, Associate News Editor 

As the University of Toronto (U of T) community continues to persevere through these challenging times, St. Mike’s is offering a variety of new opportunities throughout February and March for students to connect with others and get involved! 

Mindful Mondays 

If you’re interested in feeling more calm, confident, and connected, join the St. Mike’s commuter dons for Mindful Mondays, every Monday evening at 7pm. The link to the Discord server can be found in the bio of the commuter don Instagram

The Alumni Workshop Series

Throughout February and March 2021, St. Michael’s College will be hosting a series of Alumni Mentorship Workshops geared at offering students the opportunity to meet alumni in various fields and learn about specific challenges and opportunities which they have encountered in their work. Featured mentors specialize in areas such as “Women in STEM”, “Entrepreneurship,” and “Opportunities in Education.” These workshops are open to all undergraduate and graduate students at St. Mike’s and will offer a unique opportunity for networking! Students may register for as many workshops as they would like.

SMC Troubadours Present: Theory of Relativity (February 11-13)

The SMC Troubadours are proud to present their 2021 musical: The Theory of Relativity! (book by Brian Hill, music and lyrics by Neil Bartram). First developed at Sheridan College right here in Ontario, this song cycle traces seemingly unrelated stories of life, love, and loss, exploring the ways that we are all connected, whether we know it or not. Each ticket purchase comes with one entry into the raffle! Please visit the SMC Troubadours Facebook page for more information on available prizes and the ongoing trivia contest. For more information on ticket pricing and to purchase yours, visit their event page.  

Program Enrolment Workshops

Are you interested in learning how to apply for programs and how to satisfy admission requirements from the FAS calendar? Have general questions about program enrolment resources available at St. Mikes? Between February 1 and 25, current St. Mike’s students are invited to join workshops on program enrolment presented by Miranda Cheng, the Associate Registrar in the Office of the Registrar and Student Services. First-year students do not need to register and can access the workshop through the SMC101 Quercus Course for year 1 students. Upper year students should register by emailing [email protected].

The Hoikety Choik Podcast

Join your SMC commuter Dons on Spotify as they share their hot takes on some of the world’s most interesting topics such as who would survive a zombie apocalypse, which SMC Orientation cheer ranks the highest, and debating which late night snack is the tastiest. New episodes are released weekly on Spotify.  To suggest topics or questions for the podcast, visit @commuterdonsusmc on Instagram and click the link in bio.