Master Your Commute: Balancing Productivity and Relaxation  

Master Your Commute: Balancing Productivity and Relaxation  

Illustration Credit: Dimitrios Gkiokmema

Making Every Minute Count on Your Way to Campus 

Dimitrios Gkiokmema, Delivery Manager 

With many university students being commuters, they often ask themselves what to do during their commute to pass the time and help with their academics. For some, commuting means spending over an hour and a half just to get to campus, so knowing how to effectively use this time is a can be beneficial. However, the term ‘effectively’ means different things for everyone. Some people prefer to do some studying on their commute, others prefer to use the time to relax, or even a mix of both! Commuting will play a huge part in your day, so why not make the best of it. 

For those who want to use the time to be productive, there are numerous things you could do to help your academics! Perhaps the most important of these is planning your day or week. Planning your day’s objectives and goals can be as simple as writing a list of tasks you want to do. Having a plan will keep you focused and increase your productivity as it clearly states everything that must be accomplished! Another great way to pass time and help your academics on your commute is going over emails. As the year progresses, you will find that you get multiple emails each day, so going through them is critical. Read each email carefully and keep track of any key dates or deadlines mentioned. Going through your emails often will keep them from piling up and will keep your inbox clear. Lastly, another other way to pass time and help your academics is by working on assignments and going over readings! Certain courses have tasks for you to do before the next class. These could be pre-class readings or quizzes. Completing these is important as they prepare you for your classes and doing them is a great way to set yourself up for success in your academics! 

Given that commuting to and from school for some students happens early in the morning and late at night, sometimes it can be hard to be productive. Taking the time to relax on your commute helps restore your energy and improves your mental health, putting you in a better position to be productive later! One way to accomplish this is by listening to music or watching your favorite show or movie! Additionally, reading a book or listening to a podcast are also great ways to relax and pass time on your commute! It is important to find what you enjoy and try it on your next commute! 

While it would be great if we could always be productive on our commutes, this is not a realistic expectation. A healthy mix of relaxation and productivity on your commute will pass the time and help your academics by increasing your energy and motivation towards working on assignments after commuting!