2018’s Biggest Fashion Fails

2018’s Biggest Fashion Fails

2018’s Biggest Fashion Fails


Photo: JUICE

With the new year already here, it is the perfect time to ditch some of the worst so-called “fashion” trends of 2018. This list is meant for both men and women, since no one should subject others’ eyes to such torture. Before anyone gets their knickers in a twist over some of the items I have decided to include, a quick disclaimer: this list is entirely my own personal opinion. If any of these items has found a permanent space in your closet then feel free to disregard this list – after all, that’s the cool thing about fashion, everyone can have their own individual style.  

Starting this list off is an item that should have a special place in every “fashion sins” list:  

Small Sunglasses 

Made famous thanks to major celebs like Kim and Kourtney Kardashian and given even further legitimacy by the likes of Bella Hadid, these glasses have become the go-to accessory of every would-be fashionista. In truth, these glasses make your face look super disproportionate and throw off the entire balance of your look. Not to mention they are not even a little bit functional since they barely cover your eyeballs and, if anything, the rim of the glasses is a constant nuisance. So, throw these glasses in the trash and opt for more classic and timeless styles such as aviators, clubmasters, and wayfarers, which are pretty much guaranteed to never go out of style.  

The second item on the list will get you labelled as a clown faster than you can pronounce the word itself:  

Obnoxiously Overly-Branded Items 

Be it the $10,000 Supreme x Louis Vuitton hoodie or the all too often seen Supreme branded tees — frankly pretty much anything branded Supreme or Gucci — all these items need to take a backseat this year, if not completely disappear. I am all for spending money on quality clothing, but these products are the furthest thing from quality. These products, especially if worn more than one at a time, make you look extremely underdressed and give off the vibe that you’re simply seeking social validation. As my grandpa once told me, “Make sure you wear the outfit and not the other way around.” In other words, these items make you lose your own sense of individuality and style. At most limit these items to one per outfit.  

The next type of item on the list is something I despise more than exam season:  

Oversized Clothing 

This goes out to every skinny guy out there trying to compensate by the ridiculous size of his jacket, hoodie, or tee. Oversized clothing items do NOT make you look bigger; in fact, they over-emphasize just how skinny you are and make you look even smaller. The contrast between your tiny limbs and the massive holes of the jacket or tee only exaggerate your lack of size. Stick to well-fitting items, which will not only lend your body symmetry but also will flatter your frame.  

Let’s bring this list to an end with (in my opinion) the worst trend to overtake everyone’s Instagram feed last year:  

Fanny Packs  

Although these bags seem functional at first, don’t be fooled — they barely have any space for anything other than a few pens, making them nothing more than a constant nuisance to deal with every time you try to move one arm freely. Not to mention (in my opinion) they look extremely tacky and have the power to ruin a perfectly put together outfit. Instead opt for a more traditional over-the-shoulder bag which is both timeless and will save you money down the road.