February Is Coming…With Opportunities and Excitement!

February Is Coming…With Opportunities and Excitement!

Photo Credit: Sajal Mohsin, Photo Editor

A concise breakdown of what will happen at SMC and U of T this February

Ruichen Yan, Contributor

As Lunar New Year concludes this snowy January, the University of St. Michael’s College (USMC), and the greater U of T community, expect to immerse students in campus life with exciting events and opportunities. Concerned about your future plans? Want to get to know a culture that you are not familiar with? Enjoy exhibitions about hip-hop? Curious about Indigenous culture? Check out the events in this newsletter and add them to your calendar!

Career month at USMC

February is coming and, with it, the pressure of what the future holds for us students. Here at USMC, Career Month features various events that fit your needs and provide materials to pave the way to your future. If you are a first-year student and aren’t sure about how to enroll in a program, the Program Enrollment Workshop hosted by academic advisors in the USMC Registrar’s Office is here to help. The advisory team will explain how to check program requirements, programs of interest, and how to navigate ACORN. If you will graduate this summer and are wondering what will happen in your graduate studies, the Graduate Degree Alumni Panel invites graduate students to share their first-hand experiences regarding applications and research funding, as well as answer any question you might have. Aside from these events, USMC will host a variety of workshops to help you improve your networking skills, explore career opportunities as an international student, or write a good CV. Now that you’re aware of them, don’t miss these precious chances to “optimize” yourself!

International Culture Week

Until January 28th, International Culture Week invites the entire USMC community to join carnivals from different cultures. Join International Potluck and Kelly’s Korner to show off what amazes you the most in your culture: food, dances, songs, and more! The Multi-Culti Fashion Show at Father Madden Hall will allow you to explore the unique fashion of other cultures. For fellow epicures, you will get the chance to prepare your pineapple tart with Don Rebecca to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year! And do not forget to make your curry chicken at St. Basil’s Basement to celebrate this wonderful banquet of cultures!

Exhibitions at UofT

This month, the Art Museum at the University of Toronto will host several exhibitions to share thoughts from inspired artists. THE COUNTER/SELF exhibition at the Art Museum explores the performative incarnation in the Indigenous community with Indigenous make-up, costumes, and visual materials, such as photographs, videos, and mixed media. The exhibition aims to deconstruct the long-standing falsehoods and prejudices existing in the study of Indigenous culture and reclaim the public’s awareness to preserve the treasure of culture on this land. At Hart House, the “Incarcerated Hip Hop: Freedom of Speech” exhibition will be on display. As part of the “Talking Walls” exhibition series at Hart House, this hip-hop exhibition explores the sound that once was silenced. It aims to portray the conflict between the communal system and the ability of artistic thinking to give rise to hip-hop as a new form of culture. Other exhibitions are also available at the Art Museum and Hart House, waiting for you to explore!

That concludes the news this month at USMC and U of T. Good luck with your studies and don’t forget to check out these events to have a good time in the coming weeks!