Humans of St.Mike’s: Leya Keymouz

Humans of St.Mike’s: Leya Keymouz

Photo Credit: Leya Keymouz

An interview with a St.Mike’s Student

Karen Maktabi, Associate Lifestyle Editor

What’s your name, what program and year are you currently in at UofT? 

Hi, my name is Leya, I’m in my third year. Double majoring in International Relations and Criminology.

What’s your favorite aspect of the program you’re in, what made you choose it? 

Both of these programs are very research based, which is a skill I’ve come to enjoy practicing.

Looking back, what did you want to be when you grew up?  

I believe I’ve always wanted to attend law school and become a successful lawyer one day.

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to go? 

If I could travel anywhere right now, I wish I could go to New York, I love that city.

What’s your favorite quote/your life motto? 

I’m a big believer in fate and destiny so maybe “whatever happens is meant to happen” would be an accurate quote I live by.

What would you say is your go-to spot in the GTA? (you can specify restaurant, cafe, bar etc.)/ What’s your favorite season in Toronto? 

I really enjoy discovering and trying new cafés on King Street – specifically French made cafés, those tend to be my favorite.